Monday, January 22, 2007


You are invited to listen to the interview with the author of the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night - Time, Mark Haddon. It is very interesting. While listening take notes and make some comments about the issues you find interesting. Don't forget, you can listen to it more than once!!!


vicious said...

The first thing that shocked me was when Mark said that this book is a summer reads.I can't agree with him, because the book is hard to read...all the things he is discribing are just too much. I know that " Christopher" does that because of his autism, but come on...that realy can't be a summer read. The most interesting isuse for me is how he is discribing Christoper. He said that he is in a way just like him...that he can put himself in C. shoes(about mathematic i mean) and that he has took the strange characteristics from "normal" people and put them together in Christopher.
Thats all for now:) LP MAŠA

URŠKA said...

Maybe the second reading of the book could be a reading for the beach. I agree that it is amazing that so many things in Christopher are taken from the author and other so called "normal" individuals. But on the second thought it might be true,only a little exaggerated in the character of Christopher. It is a nice way of showing us that we are not so far away from "special people." I'm glad you did two comments already!

robertina said...

Urška, super. Kje si pobrala ta intervju? A se mogoče da speči na CD?

Unknown said...

I don`t know yet if I like the book.I will probably have to read it to the end. But I do like the author. I think he is very open minded. The book is very well written, by that I mean it is understandable, but in a way very coplicated. The autisic teenagers are not easy to understand. I find it interesting because I found out something new.I didn`t know a thing about this disease. And the book is also very realistic, because the author said that he sees himself in the novel and habits of people that he knows ( don`t like yellow and brown things, happy and sad days.....). More comments when I read the whole book:)Bye........Neža*

URŠKA said...

No wonder you cannot decide if you like it or not. The reactions on this book are very varied. One of the reades said: "It's hilarious on one page, then two pages later you want to cry." Christopher never tries to persuade the reader to feel about things this way or that way. He just paints a picture and says," Make of it what you will." And here we have a freedom to have our own feelings and ideas. Many writers would like to write like that. It is art to be able to do that; and M. Haddon was.

Lainy said...

First of all i must say that i liked the interview. It gives so much new informations about how the author started with the writing and everything revives with the doctors' comment. The story is based on something new that we are not used of. I mean specialy me when i take a book in my hands I just want to know that it won't be difficult for me to understand it and i just you know like to know that the ending is going to be happy or if not happy than satisfying. But in this book i was like WOW what a change! How could he killed the dog? I was just shocked! Like no, am I reading the right book, am I having a hallucination... When i first started with the reading I found the book quite interesting and i still do. Christopher is a different person-the kind of a person that I don't know. But it's not because I don't want to know them, it is because they think that the society will not accept them. And the thing is that well they are right. I mean when we see a person with diferent needs we just go like nothing, we just observe. It's sad because in everyone of us there is a little of Christoper-we all are superstitious like main caracter doesn't like a yellow and brown colour, we believe in something else. And the thing is- it is not hard to understand Christopher, it's harder to accept that we are different but still the same. Out there there is a boy or a girl that doesn't want to be treated differently, just like Christoper she or he is trying to pass their own A level in Maths.
Thank God for Mark Haddon who did something that no one did before him-he opened us the door that lead in so many undiscovered lives of people who are not like the most of us! But than again we all are the same-and in my opinion he tries to tell us that consciounsly or unconsciously from the beging to the end.
Have fun:) Alenka

URŠKA said...

Alenka, I like your ideas very much. What I also find interesting is Christopher's ability to see so many things that we just do not notice (anymore). We were all a bit like him when we were little children. They are amazed by everyday, simple things which we hardly notice and mostly ignore.